
Sales / General Information

If you would like additional information on our company, the services we provide or on how we can empower your business, please feel free to contact us via e-mail, phone or fax.

Existing Customers

For Existing customers, who would like more information on SpaceMan or LeaseMan or would like additional training, please contact Sales at If you need Technical Support, please contact If you are a customer that is on Maintenance for SpaceMan, please contact

Non Customers

If you are currently not a customer of PlanData and would like more information about us or what we can do for your company, please feel free to contact us. We would be happy to demonstrate our services to you so that you can make an informed decision.

Contact Numbers

  • Phone: (631) 427-9300
  • Fax: (631) 427-9490

Our Corporate Address

PlanData Systems Corp

11 Stewart Avenue, Suite 200, Huntington, NY 11743